7 Things ProGrace is Thankful for this Thanksgiving!
Nov 17, 20181. A growing group of friends who are the heart of this grace movement
When Denise and I started dreaming that maybe, just maybe, God could change the response of His Church and use His people to bring hope and healing into the abortion issue, we didn’t know if anyone else would agree. To now have all you friends, all over the country, believing and praying for this to happen is more encouraging than we can say.
2. God’s inexhaustible, radical grace
We love that just because we talk about God’s grace all the time doesn’t mean we fully understand it. Every year He seems to take us deeper, and this year was no exception. Denise and I both are living in a greater place of rest and trusting God to move this forward than we ever have been. Striving and self-effort is a horrible way to try and do ministry, so we are grateful He keeps leading us further into grace.
3. Our 2018 ProGrace pregnancy and church partners in Arizona, New York City and Chicago
Wow! We are blown away by how God has taken all of us on similar journeys and has now brought us together to equip and encourage each other. One partner had this to say about the impact of the ProGrace message:
“I see a freedom in the staff, I see a new wineskin, new inspiration if you will. Whenever you make Jesus the star of the show that’s how that goes.”
We are grateful we all get to keep working together to make Jesus the star of the show!!!
4. Seeing the impact on women and children through ProGrace pregnancy organizations
“Good things happen in all our centers as we relax into this way of letting it be God directed and not information directed. The ProGrace training has helped us a lot in understanding that she will only remember how she feels. If she feels safe and heard she will come back. I see women coming, God softens and changes their hearts in those visits, they feel empowered to come back for mentoring, classes – a support system. It opens their eyes to see ‘I’m not alone.’”
5. Generous financial supporters
We are a new organization, and we are beyond blessed to have such generous financial supporters underwriting most of this start-up work. Each of you have become a dear friend and we are thankful you are partnering with us in this vital way.
6. Our committed Board – strategy, fundraising, friendship
When we launched ProGrace two years ago, we knew people were being transformed by the ProGrace message and model, but we had no idea how to scale it. We were honest about this, and, miraculously, we still have faithful Board members, sticking around and joining us to help figure this out. We love each and every Board member, and are grateful you all have locked arms with us to see what God will do.
7. Our potential 2019 ProGrace partners
Since it’s not fully official yet that we’ll be working together, we’ll just say that we are grateful to have been getting to know you this past year and see God’s hand in how we connected with each other. Trusting Him for big things next year!
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