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Announcing the ProGrace Network and Our First Partners!

avail nyc ema every mother's advocate network partners prograce network Jul 05, 2024
ProGrace Network Logo

Introducing the ProGrace Network, an essential component of the ProGrace ecosystem, which is comprised of national organizations that provide direct service for women during and after an unintended pregnancy.  As trusted partners, the organizations will be safe to approach or refer to for support, knowing they use a grace-centered approach and language. They also provide opportunities for our community to become more directly involved in service or personal enrichment. Our new partners are Avail NYC and Every Mother’s Advocate. We are excited to partner with these incredible organizations and spread hope through the message of God’s love and value for all people.

ProGrace is a community advancing a non-political approach to abortion that demonstrates God’s grace and value for all people. To do this, we provide resources, curriculum, and community so we can think, talk, and engage in a way that reflects the true nature of Jesus. Frequently, members of our community are inspired by the ProGrace approach to unintended pregnancy and abortion and want to get involved more directly. Because of this, we have created the ProGrace Network of organizations that employ a grace-based, ProGrace-aligned standard of care. 

As trusted partners, the organizations will be safe to approach or refer to for support, knowing they use a grace-centered approach and language. They also provide opportunities for our community to become more directly involved in service or personal enrichment.

Our first two ProGrace Network partners have been thoughtfully selected. Through work and conversation, we feel comfortable referring our community to them for personal support, referring loved ones, and getting involved hands-on. We invite you to learn more about our partners, and we are confident that you will appreciate their work and commitment to a grace approach to struggle and crisis. 

Avail NYC 

Avail exists to empower people facing a past or present unexpected pregnancy, because we believe no one should feel alone. Providing nonpolitical, compassionate support and resources, Avail supports people in making their own decisions, building healthy relationships and pursuing resilience to face their futures with hope.

Every Mother’s Advocate

Every Mother’s Advocate (EMA) is an organization that supports mothers through advocacy and case management to prevent family separation. According to EMA, 7 of 10 cases of children being removed from a home are preventable, with the most significant factor being a lack of financial resources.


We encourage you to learn more about our Network partners. Begin by browsing their websites and getting more informed about all they have to offer. You may consider following them on social media or signing up for their respective e-newsletters. If you have a desire to put your convictions into action, these are great organizations to engage with further for volunteering opportunities. 


If you are interested in improving your discussion skills around unintended pregnancy and abortion in a way that reflects Jesus, join us for our Fall Transform Leaders Cohort. Rooted in how Jesus responded rather than politics, Transform helps participants have a more loving response to abortion to help heal the division in the Church.  You and the other members of your cohort will have opportunities for group discussion, live interaction with the ProGrace team, personal reflection, and engagement in real-life activities designed to prepare you for having new conversations. 

At the end of your Leaders Cohort, you will be equipped with the resources and skills to facilitate this conversation in a way that leads to unity and healing.

The Christian response to abortion and unintended pregnancy has long been dominated by binary political discourse and judgment, and it is not working. ProGrace can provide you with the language and perspective of Jesus, bringing God's redeeming love to hurting people and hoping for better solutions that politics and legislation have not accomplished. 

As we learn to approach these issues with grace, we will view each other with the same compassion and empathy as Jesus and change the reputation of how Christians respond.. We can show people the love of God, and He can open up pathways of hope for those affected by abortion and unintended pregnancy. Only when we involve Jesus in these issues can we expect real healing and change. 

Whether you are ready to put your convictions into action or need additional support for yourself, the ProGrace Networks aims to connect you with safe, grace-focused organizations. We are proud to partner with Avail and EMA and look forward to continuing to connect you with other grace-centered organizations in the future. 

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