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How to Navigate Political Divisiveness Around Abortion

abortion debate courageous conversations empathy grace legislation politics prograce Aug 30, 2024
protestors, abortion rights, protest abortion

As we enter the fall of 2024, with a major election in the United States looming, many of us feel overwhelmed by the 24-hour news cycle, political debates, and increasing division and polarization. You may feel this social climate is unprecedented and impossible to navigate, but there is hope. In the words of our CEO, Angela Weszely: “I've been talking about these issues and wrestling with this for almost 20 years, and I would say this is the most difficult it's ever been to talk about the issues of abortion and unintended pregnancy. I see pastors going silent on this. I see kids questioning their parents and traditional views. I see much more divisiveness between the right and the left. At the same time, I see much more synergy and momentum toward people who are discontent with either political side. So I see God in the midst of this. 

How do I view these difficult times differently?

While it is tempting to get lost in the belief that we are facing unprecedented times that Christians have not previously faced, spending time in Scripture demonstrates many similarities. “You could argue there are similarities to when Jesus walked the earth and what we're experiencing now. And so when we look to him, he shows us who the father is. He shows us God's perspective, God's kingdom perspective, if you will, into a world fraught with divisive issues.” (Angela Weszely, Episode 13 of the ProGrace Podcast). Jesus experienced similar social and political division; understanding that He experienced much of the same turmoil, we can look to Him as an example of living during difficult times. 

“I've been spending more time thinking about what Jesus is like. How do we see him interact in the Scriptures? And I will tell you that if you feel discouraged, try that. Try spending time in John 8. Try spending time with Jesus healing, raising from the dead, the widow's son, the widow from Nain.” -Episode 13, (John 8, Mark 3:1-6)

When we ask ourselves how God would want us to respond to the issue of abortion, what do we think He would find most important? Would He want us to focus on the political or legal response or a grace response that expresses His love? “Is that really what God is asking me to do in this divisive election season? Have an opinion on abortion? Or is He asking us to listen and to try and imagine what it would feel like to be someone walking through an unintended pregnancy or an abortion decision?” (Episode 13). When we shift our focus from the political or legal response to a human response, we can accomplish much more than any law could: thinking of how to respond to these human issues as Jesus would.

Now what?

Shifting your focus from the political or legal response to abortion to one that reflects Jesus does not diminish the importance of political involvement or the legal system. We should still participate in elections and vote in a way that is congruent with our personal beliefs and our faith, but we are also called to love and care for one another. “We need to look like the family of God. We need to look like a united community that wants to be a safe place for people with this lived experience. That, I would argue, is our most important role.” (Episode 13). 

In the meantime, we have important roles within our communities and the Kingdom of God. We can make ourselves and our churches feel safe for people with experience with unintended pregnancy and abortion, drawing them in to experience healing in the hands of God. We can emulate Jesus in our actions, having better conversations that can lead to real and meaningful change. We can be salt and light amid uncertainty and division and lead more people to understand and appreciate the peace and grace offered by Jesus. We each have an important role in the Kingdom, and we encourage you to take the gravity and honor of that into our daily lives. 

Next Steps

If you are ready to respond to unintended pregnancy and abortion in a way that reflects Jesus, we have a unique opportunity for you to learn methods and language to have better conversations. This Fall, we are launching the ProGrace Transform Leader’s Cohort. Rooted in how Jesus responded rather than politics, Transform helps participants have a more loving response to abortion to help heal the division in the Church. Beginning on September 9, this four-week experience provides opportunities for group discussion, live interaction with the ProGrace team, personal reflection, and engagement in real-life activities designed to prepare you for having new conversations. 

At the end of your Leader’s Cohort, you will be equipped with the resources and skills to facilitate this conversation in a way that leads to unity and healing. Click here for more information or to register. 

We want to hear from you.

What is troubling you about the Christian response to unintended pregnancy and abortion, or life in these politically divisive times? Submit your questions and difficult topics by emailing [email protected].


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