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ProGrace Opens Conversation Between Generations

stories Jul 01, 2023

Meet Lucy, she has two young-adult daughters, whose views connect with Pro-Choice, and the woman’s ability to choose. Her younger daughter, Lauren,* attends a Christian college but carries the pain of past church hurt and disappointment. Lauren visited a church in the fall of 2022, where she landed in the middle of a message celebrating the turnover of Roe V. Wade. Lauren wondered if there were women sitting in this church who may be feeling shame as a result of the Pastor’s comments about the “dark sin” of abortion. She was completely turned off by this church and church in general. She told her mother that it would be a long while before she set foot in a church again. Naturally, Lucy was disappointed.

Lucy shared the message of ProGrace with Lauren and she connected with the ProGrace approach to abortion, as well as the idea of God’s love for all people impacted by abortion. Lucy said, “It opened a door of conversation for both of us, and it opened my eyes wider to the idea that the church needs language around this issue so that young girls and women can have a safe place to turn if they find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy situation or if they just need to wrestle with loving others better.” She was thankful for ProGrace giving her the language to have these important conversations with her daughters.

If you can relate to Lucy’s experience and feel similarly challenged in conversations with the young people in your life, check out our resource How to Talk to Gen Z About Abortion. 

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