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My Dream for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

uncategorized Jan 19, 2014

Every January, churches across America observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, usually on the weekends surrounding the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. And every January I am unsettled by most of the messaging I see promoting SOHLS: it all focuses on the child.

There are ultrasound pictures of babies in the womb, adorable pictures of newborn babies—and very few pictures of the pregnant women or new moms.

If we’re going to talk about God’s value for all life, we need to also talk about His care, concern and value for the women who are facing unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion. But wait, you might think. That’s different –her life is not actually at risk, not like the life of the child.

But that’s not how she sees things . . .

“I thought it wasn’t really happening. I had a feeling deep down that I had just ruined my life. I felt sad, almost like this grief that my life was over. My friend asked me how I let this happen and I felt so stupid. That’s what I thought people would think of me, that I was stupid or dumb. But, I was disappointed in myself too. I’m that typical girl that goes and gets pregnant. I’ve become that stereotype. I never thought I’d be that girl. I used to laugh at those girls.” –Caris Client*

The feeling that her “life is over” and the shame of becoming “that girl” cause many women to think that ending their pregnancy is the only way to recover their identity, the only way to preserve their life. In the moment, this is all a woman can see; it becomes about her very survival.

This internal monologue is only reinforced by what she hears from those around her.

“Pretty much everyone who was older than me told me that I would be making a big mistake by keeping this baby. ‘You’re ruining your life, ending your education…you’re going to end up living on the streets, poor and suffering with this child who deserves better than you can provide for them.’ Which made me feel horrible. I pretty much felt like I dug myself into a grave.” – Anna, age 24

This is the message our culture whispers—or perhaps shouts—to young women who get pregnant and aren’t married. There is no story of happily ever after, or even for a positive future. Both lives, it says, will be ruined.

Leslie_HeroShots_05.MTS_.Still001So the question is this: Who will tell a different story?

Jesus tells a very different story. He came to bring beauty from ashes and joy instead of mourning (Isaiah 61:3), and is equally passionate for the hopes, dreams and welfare of both the woman and the child.

My dream for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday—and every Sunday, actually—is that the Church would be the people who tell that story. That the Church would extend the kind of radical grace that dispels shame and paints a hopeful future for both people involved in an unplanned pregnancy.

By Angie Weszely (@AngieWeszely)

* Executive Summary: CARIS Women’s Emotional Inquiry Project. Oct 21, 2011. Brandtrust, Inc. Sponsored by Caris

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