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The ProGrace 4 for 4 Campaign

abortion debate campaign grace Jun 12, 2020

We have joined millions of Americans in heartbreak, searching desperately for leaders to rise up to dismantle systemic racism in our nation. While I love seeing how some Christians have been responding during this time, I’m also grieved by those who think their response to both the pandemic and our underlying race issues needs to be dictated by their political affiliation rather than by how Jesus interacted with people. We found ourselves repeating a plea we’ve been praying for years, “Lord, wake up your Church.”

It’s so important that now, more than ever, we are bold about the fact that we are creating a movement to help Christians serve women as an extension of our faith in Christ, not as a way to further any political agenda. We hurt our country when we politicize things that are near and dear to God’s heart. He values all life equally. 

If you’re looking for a way to engage, we’re starting our 4 for 4 campaign. This campaign brings you into the ProGrace movement for the next four months leading up to elections. Your donation will allow us to continue thought leadership work around grace as a third option in the abortion debate, provide more in-depth training materials to pregnancy centers and churches to shift their approach to women facing unplanned pregnancies and give our message the chance to spread faster during such a critical time.

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