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Kristen Lonberger, COO of Living Alternatives, on Valuing Women Within a Christian Pregnancy Center

Episode #10

In this episode, Angela talks to Christian Pregnancy Center COO Kristen Lonberger of Living Alternatives about their center’s desire to treat their clients in a way that is congruent with their faith. They discuss how the practices of traditional pregnancy centers can make women feel shame and guilt, and how the staff at Living Alternatives has worked to ensure that their practices are both ethical and representative of Jesus. 

Guest Bio
Kristen Lonberger is Chief Operations Officer for Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center; a faith-based non-profit organization that serves Illinois and Indiana. She holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology from Olivet Nazarene University and is working on her Master's in Organizational Leadership. Kristen seeks to empower others and is driven by the purpose of helping people step forward into freedom and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. In addition to her role at Living Alternatives, Kristen is the Director of Family Ministries at Christ’s Community Church of the Nazarene in New Albany, IN. Kristen is an avid reader and plant lover; she has been married to her husband, Dr. Carlos Lonberger, since 2003, and they have four sons together.

Living Alternatives is committed to providing excellent care, compassionate support, and honest information to those facing pregnancy decisions through authentic relationships that display grace, honor life, and foster community. All services, resources, information, and emotional support are offered at no cost to the client.

ProGrace Equip membership for direct service organizations: https://www.prograce.org/pregnancy-orgs 
ProGrace Transform: https://www.prograce.org/groups 
Living Alternatives: https://livingalternatives.org/ 
More thoughts on grace from Phillip Yancey: https://philipyancey.com/q-and-a-topics/grace