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Michael Wear on Moving Forward Post-Election as Christians

Episode #16

Michael Wear joins Angela for a conversation about how we should move forward after the election as grace-filled Christians. Their discussion dives into how to make the most of this moment by offering a positive vision for life: not just fending off the bad but pursuing the good. How can we tap into the grace that God offers each of us to be humble in our interactions and imagine positive possibilities for the future? 

Guest Bio:
Micheal Wear is founder, president, and CEO of the Center for Christianity and Public Life, a nonpartisan, nonprofit institution based in the nation's capital with the mission to contend for the credibility of Christian resources in public life, for the public good. He has served as a trusted resource and advisor for a range of civic leaders on matters of faith and public life for the last fifteen years, including as a White House and presidential campaign staffer. Wear previously led Public Square Strategies, a consulting firm he founded that helps religious organizations, political organizations, businesses and others effectively navigate the rapidly changing American religious and political landscape. He is the author of "The Spirit of Our Politics: Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Public Life," which argues that the kind of people we are has much to do with the kind of politics and public life we will have.

- Follow @ccpubliclife on social media and @MichaelRWear on X
- Center for Christianity and Public Life: www.ccpubliclife.org
- Michael’s book, The Spirit of Our Politics: Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Public Life: https://www.michaelwear.com/spirit-of-our-politics